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Questions regarding EU funding?

The Finnish national level EU funding advisory service offers free general-level information and advice on EU funding programs and instruments.

The service gathers information on the different forms of EU funding, including grants, loans and guarantees, subsidies, prizes and public contracts, and offers advice regarding them. The service aims to offer centralized information on EU funding and further its utilization at a national level.

The advisory service is offered to Finnish stakeholders interested in EU funding. Funding is available for companies, research institutions, financial institutions, municipalities, and other parties. The service offers current information and project-specific guidance and organizes events related to EU funding. The service is implemented by Business Finland under the guidance of the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Information on the funding opportunities can be found on the website’s Finnish language pages.

Please note that this is a Finnish national level EU advisory service targeted at stakeholders operating within Finland.

We can be contacted via email: info (at)